Cranky Guarantee

There's enough stress involved in air travel, we don't want to add to it.

If you aren't satisfied that we've done everything in our power to try and help you, just ask for a refund of our service fees and you'll get it*.

Seriously. You don't even have to submit twelve copies via fax to Zimbabwe. Just email us at within 30 days of the end of your originally-requested travel dates, explain what happened, and we'll send you a refund if we can't make it right.

Remember, we'll do our best to get you on another flight, but flights often sell out. If you think that we haven't tried our best to find every possible alternative, just let us know. We want everyone to be satisfied that they received good value from us.

*Refunds are subject to your following the rules laid out in our terms of service. They're short and sweet, so go have a look.